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200mm wafer fab capacity surges 21% to ease supply-demand imbalance

200mm wafer fab capacity surges 21% to ease supply-demand imbalance

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  • Time of issue:2022-04-29 14:20
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(Summary description)On April 11, 2022, California time, the "200mm Fab Outlook Report" released by SEMI shows that from the beginning of 2020 to the end of 2024, the production capacity of 200mm fabs will increase by 1.2 million pieces per month (increase 21%), reaching a record 6.9 million per month.

200mm wafer fab capacity surges 21% to ease supply-demand imbalance

(Summary description)On April 11, 2022, California time, the "200mm Fab Outlook Report" released by SEMI shows that from the beginning of 2020 to the end of 2024, the production capacity of 200mm fabs will increase by 1.2 million pieces per month (increase 21%), reaching a record 6.9 million per month.

  • Categories:Industry news
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  • Time of issue:2022-04-29 14:20
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On April 11, 2022, California time, the "200mm Fab Outlook Report" released by SEMI shows that from the beginning of 2020 to the end of 2024, the production capacity of 200mm fabs will increase by 1.2 million pieces per month (increase 21%), reaching a record of 6.9 million per month. After climbing to $5.3 billion last year, 200mm fab equipment spending is expected to reach $4.9 billion in 2022, the utilization rate of 200mm wafers is still at a high level, and the global semiconductor industry is stuggling to overcome the chip shortage.

Ajit Manocha, President and CEO of SEMI, said: "Wafer manufacturers will add 25 production lines of 200mm over five years to meet the growing demand for applications such as 5G, automotive and Internet of Things (IoT) devices that rely on analog, Power management and display driver integrated circuits (ICs), MOSFETs, microcontroller units (MCUs) and sensors, etc." 200mm Fab Outlook Report covering 12 years from 2013 to 2024 also shows that Foundry will account for more than 50% of global fab capacity this year, followed by analog at 19% and discrete/power at 12%. From a regional perspective, China will lead the world in 200mm capacity with a 21% share in 2022, followed by Japan with 16%, Taiwan and Europe/Middle East with 15% each. Equipment investment is expected to remain above $3 billion in 2023, with the Foundry segment at 54%, followed by discrete/power at 20% and analog at 19%.

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200mm wafer fab capacity surges 21% to ease supply-demand imbalance

On April 11, 2022, California time, the "200mm Fab Outlook Report" released by SEMI shows that from the beginning of 2020 to the end of 2024, the production capacity of 200mm fabs will increase by 1.2 million pieces per month (increase 21%), reaching a record 6.9 million per month.

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SEMI proposed in its Worldwide Semiconductor Equipment Market Statistics (WWSEMS) Report that global semiconductor manufacturing equipment sales will surge in 2021, compared with 2020 $71.2 billion rose 44% to an all-time high of $102.6 billion.
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