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Worldwide semiconductor equipment sales surge 44% in 2021 to hit industry high of $102.6 billion

Worldwide semiconductor equipment sales surge 44% in 2021 to hit industry high of $102.6 billion

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  • Time of issue:2022-04-29 14:17
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(Summary description)SEMI proposed in its Worldwide Semiconductor Equipment Market Statistics (WWSEMS) Report that global semiconductor manufacturing equipment sales will surge in 2021, compared with 2020 $71.2 billion rose 44% to an all-time high of $102.6 billion.

Worldwide semiconductor equipment sales surge 44% in 2021 to hit industry high of $102.6 billion

(Summary description)SEMI proposed in its Worldwide Semiconductor Equipment Market Statistics (WWSEMS) Report that global semiconductor manufacturing equipment sales will surge in 2021, compared with 2020 $71.2 billion rose 44% to an all-time high of $102.6 billion.

  • Categories:Industry news
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  • Time of issue:2022-04-29 14:17
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On April 12, 2022, California time, SEMI proposed in its Worldwide Semiconductor Equipment Market Statistics (WWSEMS) Report that global semiconductor manufacturing equipment sales will surge in 2021, compared with 2020 $71.2 billion rose 44% to an all-time high of $102.6 billion. China became the largest market for semiconductor equipment for the second time, with sales rising 58 percent to $29.6 billion, the fourth consecutive year of growth. South Korea is the second-largest device market, with sales rising 55% to $25 billion after strong growth in 2020. Taiwan, China, rose 45% to $24.9 billion, ranking third. Europe and North America grew by 23% and 17%, respectively, and continued to recover from the contraction in 2020. Rest of the world sales rose 79% in 2021.

Ajit Manocha, President and CEO of SEMI, said: "The 44% increase in spending on manufacturing equipment in 2021 underscores the global semiconductor industry's aggressive drive for capacity additions that go beyond current supply imbalances as the industry continues to expand. The industry continues to expand scale to address a variety of emerging high-tech applications, enabling a smarter digital world with countless societal benefits.”

Global wafer processing equipment sales rose 44% in 2021, while other front-end sales rose 22%. Packaging equipment sales increased significantly across all regions, resulting in an overall increase of 87%, while total test equipment sales increased 30%. This statistical report on the global semiconductor equipment market summarizes the monthly shipment value of the global semiconductor equipment industry based on data submitted by SEMI and Semiconductor Equipment Association of Japan (SEAJ) members. Equipment categories include wafer processing, packaging, test, and other front-end equipment, including mask/reticle fabrication, wafer fabrication, and fab facilities.

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Worldwide semiconductor equipment sales surge 44% in 2021 to hit industry high of $102.6 billion

SEMI proposed in its Worldwide Semiconductor Equipment Market Statistics (WWSEMS) Report that global semiconductor manufacturing equipment sales will surge in 2021, compared with 2020 $71.2 billion rose 44% to an all-time high of $102.6 billion.
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